Call of duty world at war 2 call of duty world at war 2 trailer official
Call of duty world at war 2 call of duty world at war 2 trailer official

call of duty world at war 2 call of duty world at war 2 trailer official

In essence, War will feature mini-stories that differ whether you are fighting for the Allies or the Axis.

call of duty world at war 2 call of duty world at war 2 trailer official

According to Condrey, the mode will feature object-driven conflicts. The first announced mode, “War,” involves asymmetrical, strategic gameplay that sees both the Allies and the Axis working to take objective points.

call of duty world at war 2 call of duty world at war 2 trailer official

Fight together Image used with permission by copyright holderĬall of Duty: WWII‘s competitive multiplayer component will focus on the fast-paced, grounded action seen in the campaign, but Sledgehammer has also introduced a few new features that should help to separate the game from others in the series. Here is everything we know about the game so far. After almost a decade of war in the present day, the near future, and the not-so-near future, the Call of Duty franchise will finally return to World War II in the appropriately titled Call of Duty: WWII. Created by Advanced Warfarestudio Sledgehammer Games, Call of Duty: WWII takes players into the vicious European conflict during the last year of the war, and replicates many of the deadly battles that eventually led to the downfall of Nazism and Germany’s surrender.

Call of duty world at war 2 call of duty world at war 2 trailer official